Energy Saving Module – Actually Turns the Fan Off
Jan Fan has gone a step further in creating the most energy efficient commercial and industrial air circulators on the market. Already known for manufacturing the lowest wattage fans, Jan Fan has now developed NEW Energy Saving Technology that takes energy savings to an all new level. The company’s Energy Saving Module actually turns fans off when they are not in use; consuming energy, reducing motor wear and dirt buildup on fan parts.
Energy Saving Module

• Patented JF-ESM module will easily and quickly install into motor end dome of each fan (where it’s protected from damage, theft and tampering).
• After the module is installed and the fan is turned on, the fan will AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF after 4, 5, 6, or 10 hours.
• “ON TIMES” related to “WORK SHIFT PERIODS” are set by your technicians during initial module installation.
• Will control any 20″, 24″, or 30″ JAN FAN Air Circulator and some of our competitor’s models.
• Saves energy, excessive motor wear and unnecessary dirt buildup on fan parts…all translating into longer fan life and BIG SAVINGS!
Remember, each industrial Jan Fan is extremely energy efficient as it has a 2 speed, ¼ h.p., T.E., 240 watt, maintenance free ball bearing motor.
Cost Savings Calculation
$$ Savings/Year Using JF-ESM = # of fans in plant x hours/week fans will be off x .240 kw (Jan Fan energy use) x your energy costs/kwh x # of weeks fans run/year
Energy Efficient Fan Motors – While its industrial fans are powerful, the company’s high quality energy efficient ball bearing motors are manufactured to reduce your operating costs in several ways which include lower monthly electrical bills.
Requiring a nominal 240 watts of power, the energy savings of each Jan Fan is obtained through the use of high quality materials, a superior design and improved construction. The efficiency improvements of all fans manufactured by Jan Fan translate into substantial energy and dollar savings. You can also expect longer fan life.
The increased reliability and Jan Fan’s 5 year manufacturer’s warranty also provide savings in reduced downtime, replacement and maintenance costs.